Disease Resistance
Defeat devastating diseases with VICTORY canola. Our high-yielding lineup offers polygenic blackleg resistance and resistance to the most common clubroot pathotypes, helping you reduce risk while maximizing your yields and return on investment.
Protect Your Profits
Polygenic Blackleg Resistance

When it comes to minimizing blackleg risk, it pays to choose the right canola hybrids. All of our VICTORY hybrids come equipped with a durable, season-long polygenic blackleg resistance package, which consists of combinations of major and minor genes to provide protection at every growth stage from seedling to adult. V25-3T also has the Rlm2 gene, for rotational flexibility.
Even under high disease pressure, our VICTORY hybrids give you the highest level of yield protection and control.
Download the blackleg & clubroot sell sheet
With an added Rlm2 gene in V25-6T TruFlex® hybrid, you can rest assured that your yields and profits will be protected against blackleg pressure.
Clubroot Resistance
Don’t let clubroot rob your crop of vital nutrients or your business of critical profits. VICTORY delivers clubroot resistance1, so you can grow with confidence knowing your profits are protected.
The VICTORY lineup gives you options, offering clubroot resistance to the most common clubroot pathotypes1, in three high-performing hybrids. Choosing a clubroot resistant hybrid is one component of a smart clubroot management plan—which should include equipment sanitation and field rotations. To learn more about best practices for managing clubroot and reducing clubroot spore load on your farm, visit clubroot.ca
PATHOTYPES 2F, 3H, 5I, 6M & 8N
1 VICTORY V25-3T, V25-5T and V25-6T were developed to be resistant to the predominant clubroot pathotypes (2F, 3H, 5I, 6M, 8N) identified in Western Canada. However, in a commercial field environment, there is potential for clubroot populations to exist or develop pathotypes of clubroot to which VICTORY V25-3T, V25-5T and V25-6T (and other clubroot-resistant canola varieties with similar resistance profiles) may be susceptible. Please follow integrated pest-management strategies to maximize the durability of genetic resistance in canola varieties. For detailed information on these strategies visit www.clubroot.ca