The earliest hybrid in the VICTORY Lineup

VICTORY V25-3T Profile
Type TruFlex® Canola.
Standability Excellent
Blackleg R-rated, polygenic blackleg resistance
BL Label BCE1
BL Genes Rlm2, Rlm3, Rlm4, QTL
Clubroot Resistant¹
Maturity Earliest in Portfolio
Growing Zone All zones
Plant Height Medium
Fusarium Wilt R
Swath Timing Swath at Canola Council’s recommended swath timing*

*We do not recommend leaving any current VICTORY Hybrid Canola variety standing until fully ripe, and we do not support straight cutting any current VICTORY hybrids.

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Improved yield potential – on average, yielded 104% of L233P2 and 45H33.

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Equipped with the TruFlex canola trait, providing flexibility for your growing conditions, enabling a broader pesticide application window and application rate than the Roundup Ready® canola system.

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Industry-leading, season-long polygenic blackleg resistance package (including the Rlm2 gene) allowing you to protect your yields and your profits.

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Clubroot resistant1 – safeguarding your production and giving you greater peace of mind.

1 VICTORY V25-3T was developed to be resistant to the predominant clubroot pathotypes (2F, 3H, 5I, 6M, 8N) identified in Western Canada at the time of registration. However, in a commercial field, there is potential for clubroot populations to exist or develop pathotypes to which V25-3T (and other clubroot resistant canola varieties) may be susceptible. Please follow integrated pest-management strategies to maximize the durability of genetic resistance in canola varieties. Learn more at

2 Co-op checks L233P and 45H33 (Based on mid-season zone production)

3 Average of 2 competitor varieties (DKTF98CR & 45CM39) across 13 trial sites were used to calculate the average yields and gross return. VICTORY performance trials are calculated based on a commodity canola price of $15.54/bu and and VICTORY canola price of $17.35/bu. Individual results may vary.

Product v25 3t

VICTORY V25-3T returned more than $45.53 per acre vs. commodity checks.

V25 3 T perf for Website

VICTORY V25-3T returned more than $45.53 per acre vs. commodity checks.

3 More ways for you to win with victory and truflex canola

  • Flexibility


    You plan the timing of your seeding as best you can. But when weather gets in the way, it’s good to know our program gives you have a wider window (10-14 more days) as well as rate flexibility to get the job done.

  • Weed Control

    Weed Control

    TruFlex gives you better control of tough annual and perennial weeds, plus an additional 24 weed species. It’s not just about higher yields; it’s also about protecting those higher yields.

  • Yield


    Improved crop safety and industry-leading genetics help drive higher yield potential and higher returns — especially with VICTORY’s premium pricing opportunities.

Visit to learn more about the benefits of this powerful system.

Shield labeled Clubroot Resistant Shield labeled Blackleg Resistant

Protect Your Profits

Built-in Disease Resistance

Reduce risk. Maximize your return on investment. Defeat devastating diseases with VICTORY canola.